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The Texas Epidemic Public Health Institute (TEPHI) is preparing Texas for the next infectious disease outbreak

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TEPHI Highlights

TEPHI is Preparing
Texas Through...

View TEPHI's Initiatives


Preparing a public health workforce through tailored, no-cost learning opportunities.

Early Detection

Proactively identifying and tracking infectious diseases to provide Texas communities advance warning.


Advancing communication best practices to ensure public health leaders have the tools they need to inform their communities.

Public Health Reserve Network

Equipping partners statewide with the tools, data, and knowledge needed to be ready to respond.

TexWEB Dashboard

TexWEB (the Texas Wastewater Environmental Biomonitoring program) is a system that helps spot infectious disease outbreaks early by testing wastewater from all over Texas. Our interactive dashboard provides the latest information on select disease-causing viruses and bacteria found in local wastewater samples from cities that are part of TexWEB’s network.

Learn More about TexWEB

Working to Prepare Texas for Future Outbreaks

  • Strengthening a public health workforce, response networks, and communications protocols
  • Develop and deliver tools & trainings on pandemic preparedness available to all Texans
  • Collaborate across industries to ensure the Texas economy remains strong and resilient


TEPHI event

Apr 22

One Health & HPAI: A Continuing Education Event

Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Virtual or In-Person at: Bain-Schaeffer Buffalo Stadium - Fairly Group Club, 2609 Russell Long Blvd, Canyon, TX 79016